Tuesday, September 25, 2007

AMAZING 4-5 thousand Vultures

Find 4-5 thousand vultures continuing their migration tomorrow morning September 26th. The vultures came into Audubon's Kern River Preserve in Weldon tonight. They will begin taking off tomorrow morning starting around 7:30 and ending around 10 a.m. if they remain true to form.

Anyone in the area, this is a sight that seasoned vulture watchers have never experienced.



Anastay said...

I Just saw a huge turkey vulture near my house on a hill. He was eating something and when I pulled up in my car he only stayed another minute before taking off in flight, which was amazing!

Almaden Valley in San Jose
Near Fontana Park 10/14/07 3:15 PM

Annastasia Allard

Anastay said...

I just saw a huge Turkey Vulture near my street, on a hill for the first time. He was eating something but became frightenend by my presence and took off, which was amazing! I couldn't believe his wing span. I couldn't believe that his massive body would permit him to fly!

Almaden Vally, San Jose
Fontana Park 10/14/07 3:15 PM

Annastasia Allard

Adrian Revenaugh said...

Been watching from down town Bakersfield for days now as the numbers have surpassed the regulars 40-50 in the five hundred block of Oleander Ave. From my mother's backyard today I spotted easily 400- 500. I come from The Chilkat Valley in SE Ak. where we annually count the Bald Eagles in the thousands. Kern's Turkey vultures are every bit as inspiring. Thanks for the site. Adrian